
ThruDark is dedicated to the quality of our products and the satisfaction of our customers. However, should you not be satisfied with your order, you have 30 days from the date of delivery to return this for an exchange, full refund or gift voucher credit. All exchanges are free using our returns portal but please note returns for refund have £5.00 deducted from the final refund amount to cover the cost of return postage. 

The items in your order must be in an identical condition to when delivered in order to be eligible for return. This means as new, unworn (except for trying on for size), unaltered and with its original packaging. All drinkware, underwear and socks must be completely unused/unopened to be eligible for a return.

Returns that do not meet these criteria will be refused. All returns made using our easy returns portal are processed within 7 days, please contact Support@ThruDark.com with your order number (GB…) if your return is taking longer to process.

Please do not arrange your own return without using our easy returns portal. This will mean you do not receive return updates; this will slow your return processing down and can lead to parcels going missing without trace.

If you do you have trouble using the returns portal or have any queries regarding the returns process or the eligibility of your order for return, please do not hesitate to contact Support@ThruDark.com.